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게시글 검색
  • 번호
  • 87
    Experimental Apparatus and Method to Investigate Permeability and Porosity of Shale Matrix from Haenam Basin in Korea(2015.08)
    Environmental Earth Sciences
    Jang, H.C., Lee, J.H. and Lee, W.S.
  • 86
    Experimental Investigation on the Characteristics of Gas Diffusion in Shale Gas Reservoir Using Porosity and Permeability of Nanopore Scale(2015.09)
    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
    Kim, C.J., Jang, H.C. and Lee, J.H.
  • 85
    Photocatalytic properties of ceramics TiO2 nanocomposites from waste resources(2016.02)
    Journal of Ceramic Processing Research
    Yoon, S.D., Lee, J.H. and Yoon, Y.H.
  • 84
    Diffusion characteristics of nanoscale gas flow in shale matrix from Haenam basin(2016.02)
    Environmental Earth Sciences
    Kim, C.J., Jang, H.C., Lee, Y.S. and Lee, J.H.
  • 83
    Application of probabilistic approach to evaluate coalbed methane resources using geological data of coal basin in Indonesia(2016.04)
    Geoscience Journal
    Kim, Y.M., Jang, H.C. and Lee, J.H.
  • 82
    Novel apparatus to measure the low-permeability and porosity in tight gas reservoir(2016.06)
    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
    Jang, H.C., Lee, W.S., Kim, J,K. and Lee, J.H.
  • 81
    Adsorption characteristics of the shale matrix in Mancos and Eagle Ford basins(2016.08)
    Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
    Jang, H.C., Kim, C.J. and Lee, J.H.
  • 80
    석탄층 메탄가스 저류층의 생산방법 선정을 위한 지능형 시스템 개발(2014.08)
    김창재, 김정균, 이정환
  • 79
    치밀가스 저류층의 저투과도 측정에 관한 실험적 연구(2014.06)
    장호창, 신창훈, 이정환
  • 78
    셰일암체의 저투과도 및 공극률 측정을 위한 실험장치 개발 및 활용(2014.08)
    장호창, 김정균, 이정환
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