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게시글 검색
  • 번호
  • 107
    Antiminy-oxidizing bacteria isolated from antimony-contaminated sediment - a phylogenetic study(2015.01)
    Nguyen, V.K. and Lee, J.-U.
  • 106
    Effect of sulfur concentration on microbial removal of arsenic and heavy metals from mine tailings using mixed culture of Acidithiobacillus(2015.01)
    J. Geochem. Explor
    Nguyen, V.K. and Lee, J.-U.
  • 105
    Bioleaching of arsenic and heavy metals from mine tailings by pure and mixed cultures of Acidithiobacillus(2015.01)
    J. Ind. Eng. Chem.
    Nguyen, V.K., Lee, M.H., Park, H.J., and Lee, J.-U.
  • 104
    A Comparison of microbial leaching and chemical leaching of arsenic and heavy metals from mine tailings(2015.02)
    Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng.
    Nguyen, V.K. and Lee, J.-U.
  • 103
    Experimental study on bioleaching of paddy soil in the vicinity of refinery site contaminated with copper, lead, and arsenic using sulfur-oxidizing bacteria(2015.05)
    Geosys. Eng.
    Han, H.-J. and Lee, J.-U.
  • 102
    Possibility of bacterial leaching of antimony, chromium, copper, manganese, nickel, and zinc from contaminated sediment(2015.09)
    J. Geochem. Explor.
    Nguyen, V.K., Tran, T., Han, H.-J., Lee, S-H., and Lee J.-U.
  • 101
    미생물학적 원유회수증진을 위한 미얀마 저류층에서 분리한 토착미생물에 의한 표면장력 감소특성 연구(2015.02)
    조정희, 이종운, 김현태
  • 100
    심부 처분장 주변 지하수-암석 반응 생성물의 열역학적 예측(2015.04)
  • 99
    동해7갱, 황지유창, 호남광업소 자연정화시설의 슬러지 발생량 추정(2015.10)
    김영근, 한협조, 차종문, 김덕민, 김승섭, 이종운
  • 98
    광산배수 내 철에 의한 하천 황화현상을 촉진하는 환경조건 연구(2016.06)
    이무현, 박형준, 이종운
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